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A recent customer in the shop returning from a run-related injury. The customer was complaining of more issues running in his 'race shoe' against his 'easy run shoe'. What you are seeing in the screenshot is a difference in the level of support of the shoe. Both are classed as neutral running shoes but you can start to see a difference in the level of pronation and a slight difference in his hip alignment. The shoe on the right is offering a lot more structure, a wider platform, and cushioning. The race shoe has a lightweight upper, lower stack/cushioning but...

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One factor to consider when choosing a running shoe is the stack height.The underfoot experience will change by the amount of material between you and the ground, which is referred to as stack height. Generally speaking, lower stack heights deliver more feel for the ground and higher stack height shoes deliver more feel for the cushioning materials of the shoe.Although, factors such as flexbility, weight of the runner, softness of the shoe, speed, distance and running style will influence the underfoot experience.Stack height is the main aspect in perceived cushioning.Shoes with a lower stack height have the tendency to offer...

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It is a topic we come across quite a lot in the running shoe industry. The question is does it make a difference?  The short answer is yes! But its very dependent on your running biomechanics, your weight and the distance you are intending to run. The typical weight of a racing flat would be around 180 grams to 230 grams. In comparison a heavy and cushioned stability shoe can be in excess of 300 grams. In total 200 grams across the pair of shoes does not seem like a lot, but the important thing to remember is this is external...

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For a lot of runners the motto is the softer the better. This is not always the case and depends on your running technique. If you are new to running and are simply getting into running then cushioning is probably your friend. Running is very stressful to your body with sometimes 2.5 times your body weight going through a single leg. It is only natural to think a healthy dose of cushioning will help reduce the impact of this. Unfortunately there are a few downsides to cushioning. Typically cushioning is heavy and causes your feet to start feeling heavy (lethargic). Typically a...

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Shoe drop is largely not discussed when looking at running shoes, but it is important to understand the differences and the benefits of a high/low shoe drop. What is it? The difference in stack height from your forefoot to your heel. High Drop Benefits High drop shoe is usually something in the 10-12mm drop region. This drop usually means you have a healthy chunk of cushioning under your heel, so if you are particularly heavy on your feet it will help cushion that heel strike when your form starts to drop. Typically a lot of marathon focused shoes will have...

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