VO2 Max Testing: Unlock Your Athletic Potential | Total Endurance


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Improve your training and performance with VO2 max testing

We offer a comprensive VO2 max test for cyclists, runners, Triathletes and those who need to provide an accurate VO2 max value for medical clearance.

Our VO2 max testing allows all levels of athletes understand their unique physiology and with our tailored recomendations can make improvements faster using sports science.

The VO2 max testing gives you a true reflection of their Aerobic Potential and where training can be improved to develop your current fitness towards your goals.

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Combine additonal testing / analysis:

Running Economy Testing

Adding Running economy to the VO2 max testing you'll gain a greater understanding of your ability to convert your Aerobic capacity to mechanical work. Knowing the amount of your maximum oxygen consumption you need to run at each velocity can help understand what pace to target for your target events.

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Fats and Carbohydrate Testing

By adding fats and carbohydrate utilisation to the VO2 max test you will gain a much better understanding of your unique nutrition requirements and ensure your training and races are suitably fuelled to avoid hitting the wall.

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Biomechanical Analysis

If you want to understand how your biomechanics could be improved to allow you to run faster and more efficiently you can add a biomechanical analysis to the VO2 max testing which will give you personalised training recomendations as well as technique improvements you can make.

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How does the testing work?

For cycling tests, you'll start at 50-60 watts, while running tests commence at 4-8 km/h. From there, the intensity increases incrementally each minute until you reach volitional fatigue.

This form of testing typically lasts between 12-18 minutes, allowing us to gather accurate data on your physiological responses.

Preparing for the Test

Before the test we will provide you with all the relevant details on how to prepare for the testing and key things to ensure you do before the test to ensure we get accurate results.

When you arrive we will explain the protocol and answers an questions you have before the test.

During the test

Our experienced coaches will guide you through each step of the testing process, ensuring accurate measurements and your safety throughout the testing.

From the moment you arrive to the final results our friendly team will provide you will all the support and assurance you need.

Getting the results

Following the tesing, we'll explain the results and what the data tells us as well as give you personalised recomendations on how you can improve your training to help you acheive your goals.

You will also recieve a comprensive report that explains your results and gives you a detailed understanding of how you can use the results to improve your performances.

VO2 max testing for medical clearance

VO2 max testing for medical clearance is a comprehensive assessment that evaluates your cardiovascular fitness to determine your readiness for specific medical requirements. This testing method measures your maximum oxygen uptake during exercise, providing accurate data on your aerobic capacity and overall cardiovascular health. It goes beyond basic fitness assessments by directly measuring oxygen consumption, offering precise insights into your cardiovascular fitness levels.

Our comprensive VO2 max testing offers much greater accuracy over the chester step test by actually measuring the oxygen uptake of the individual and ensure accurate testing.



What is VO2 max?

VO2 max refers to the maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilize during intense exercise. It is a key indicator of cardiovascular fitness and endurance capacity.

Why is VO2 max testing important?

VO2 max testing provides valuable insights into your current fitness level and helps identify areas for improvement. It enables you to optimise your training program, set realistic goals, and track your progress more effectively.

How is the VO2 max test conducted?

The VO2 max test involves a max ramp test on a treadmill or stationary bike (testing can be done on your own bike). You start with a light resistance and gradually increase the intensity until you reach volitional fatigue. Throughout the test, you wear a mask that measures your oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production.

How long does the VO2 max test take?

The test typically lasts around 10-15 minutes, depending on your fitness level and the protocol used. However, you should allocate additional time for briefing, preparation, and a post-test consultation. Most appointments take 60-90 mintues from arrrival to departure.

Is the VO2 max test suitable for everyone?

VO2 max testing is suitable for individuals of various fitness levels, including both recreational and competitive athletes. However, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing the test, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.

Does the test require any special preparation?

Before the test, it is advisable to avoid intense exercise for 24 hours and refrain from eating a heavy meal for at least two hours. Wear comfortable exercise clothing

Are there any risks associated with the VO2 max test?

VO2 max testing is generally safe; however, it is a physically demanding test. Our trained professionals closely monitor you throughout the test to ensure your safety and well-being.

How often should VO2 max testing be performed?

The frequency of testing depends on various factors, including your goals, training regimen, and rate of improvement. As a general guideline, it is recommended to undergo VO2 max testing every 3-6 months to track progress and adjust your training program accordingly.

Can VO2 max testing be combined with other assessments?

Absolutely! At Total Endurance, we offer optional add-ons such as fat and carbohydrate testing and running economy testing. These assessments provide additional insights into your body's fuel utilization and running efficiency, complementing the VO2 max test.

How can I benefit from the results of VO2 max testing?

The results of your VO2 max test will be presented in a detailed report, including personalised training zones and recommendations. By following these recommendations and training within the appropriate zones, you can optimize your workouts, improve your endurance, and maximize your athletic performance.

I need to do a VO2 max test for my work medical assessment, can you provide this?

Yes, we can provide VO2 max testing for medical assessments. Click here for more information

If you have any additional questions or would like to learn more about our VO2 max testing services, feel free to reach out to our knowledgeable team.


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