Endurance Running Assessment

Discover your Endurance potential with our comprehensive assessment

Our Endurance running assessment is a comprehensive package deisned for marathon runners, Ultra-event participants, and long distance triathletes. The full assessment includes our VO2 max test, Aerobic and Anaerobic threshold determination for setting accurate training zones, running economy testing, Energy substrate testing and Biomechancial analysis.

Gain valuable insights to improve your endurance running performance!

Whats your VO2 max?

VO2 max testing is a crucial component of our comprehensive Endurance Assessment. By measuring the maximum amount of oxygen your body can utilise during intense exercise, we can determine your aerobic capacity and understand how much of your capacity you need to use to run at sub maximal paces. This allows us to understand what is the limiting factor to improve your performance over longer endurance events.

Aerobic and Anaerobic Threshold Testing

Part of the Endurance running assessment includes measuring Aerobic and Anaerobic thresholds. This allows us to understand how your body uses Aerobic and Anaerobic energy and identifying these threshold values allow accurate setting of training zones as well as understanding areas that can be improved to allow you to become abtter endurance runner.

Run Economy Testing

Understand how efficient you are as a runner and how much of your maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) you need to run at your race pace.

Carbohydrate utilsation Testing

Understand your fuelling requirements for your endurance training and events.  

Knowing the ratio of fats and carbohydrates being metbolised at a given intensity can allow you to create an individualised nutiriton plan based on accurate data.

How does the testing work?

Initial discussion

When you first arrive for your appointment we will chat through your running history, current training routine and understand what your endurance running goals are. This allows us to tailor the information to ensure you leave with individualised advice to improve your training towards your target event.

Two part Testing

The first test is the VO2 max test, this invloves starting at km/h and increasing the velocity of the treadmill by 1km/h every minute until you fatigue.

You will get a good break before the second test.  

the second test involves running for 20 minutes as 5 x 4 minutes at a velocity thats between the Aerobic and Anaerobic Threshold which should include your target race intensity. this test allows us to capture your running economy and carbohydrate utilisation.

Biomechanical Analysis

During the second test you will be wearing some pods that capture a range of running biomechancial data as well as video analysis of your running gait. This allows us to understand potential arears within your running mechanics that can be developed to improve your running

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included?

Our Endurance assessment package includes comprhensive testing such as VO2 max, Aerobic and Anaerobic Threshold, Running economy, fats and carbohydrate utilisation testing, with biomechnical analysis. You will recieve a comprehensive report which explains your results and gives you detailed advice on what you can do to improve your training.

Who is it for?

The endurance assessment is designed for runners and triathletes who are training for marathons, ultra events, or long-distance triathlons and want to understand how to improve their performance.

How can it help improve performance?

By undergoing our Endurance assessment, you will gain valuable insights into your body's capabilities, identify areas for improvement, and receive personalised recommendations to enhance your endurance performance.